BLOG 2 - The Best Holiday Ever

It was a really cold day of my winter vacation this year, we climb the mountains in a family outing to enjoy the fresh air and the snow. That's are not the best holiday I ever had but are the most recent and the ones I most remember.

We climb on three different cars, in one was my family, in other my brother's family and the last one my sister's family.
From ours, homes approximately were two hours of the trip, from Requinoa-Rengo to Romeral, Bio-bio's Region, between rest and tourist stops. The way up was funny too, my dad was on the head of the caravan and take us to the most difficult road, it was too close to the hillside that we could see ourselves falling, terrifying.

That day was the first time my nieces meeting the snow, they were excited, we had a snow war and made snowmen without arms because we didn't find tree branches. The bad part of the outing was that we couldn't eat anything warm because it all get cold in second out there in the mountain. It was a memorable dinner in a bad way.


  1. I love family travel and it is a beautiful place.

    P.S. Your dog is beautiful!

    -Paloma Garrido


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