BLOG 4 - My dream job

Throughout my life, there have been a lot of things I would like to be in the future.

When I was a child I always said that I would like to be a doctor although it was because of my mom's influence.

When I was in high school I had a language teacher who encouraged me to write. I liked it so much that I dreamed about becoming a writer. I wrote tales and poetry on a page called Wattpad, but nobody reads them.

Then, a friend told me that his brother was an illustrator and designer by this time I didn't know those jobs existed, so I thought work in something like that in the future would be a good idea I liked to draw and watched a lot of videos about it but at some point, I leave that hobby.

After graduating I had a new interest, this time in languages so I thought about study translation or becoming an English teacher but I ended up studying gastronomy, I finished my career but I couldn't see myself working in that under pressure environment and working late every holiday

Finally, I'm studying Design but until now I hesitate about what I want and what my dream job is. 


  1. I think that maybe not exist one dream job. Maybe are two or three, even this can depend of the stage of the live. I dont know really, but luck finding this job or jobs dream.

  2. good luck finding your dream job!


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